Monday, November 26, 2007

thurs to sat went genting~
dad went to the LADIES!! n i heard e ladies talking abt him after he left =.= soo embarrassing
wanted go theme park but no one dared to go wif mi.
so dad bought mi converse tees to make up for it
den we went to snow world~~ super cold. i kept throwing ice at bro till he told mi to stop haha. went on e slide too. the man stopped n my neck almost broke. (exaggerated)
we took pizza for dinner. one class went thr n asked for 37 seats.
we went to watsons to buy a few items b4 going back to our rooms. i was holding onto my lil bro hu was wearing orange windbreaker. mum looked infront n my elder bro was holding onto another orange lil fello. lol,it turned out tt he took e wrong person =.= it was a meimei. haha his face was RED
played cards wif bro till 2plus

took a midnite walk to highlands hotel n bought some snacks over at e mart
slept at 1plus cuz v tired
we woke at 10.35 n took cup noodles for breakfast. left room at 12plus.
went for a walk outside hotel. saw a wild monkey. den my dad fed it. n more came down from e tree.
we ate kfc n i pestered dad to buy candy floss ^^
we were supposed to go to ripley's believe it or not but bro wanted to go to e arcade so...
ate pizza again. this time n our room. den we stayed in e room n watched tv. till 2.

sat last day
woke up n packed up. left room at 11plus.
took lunch at kopitiam
took a walk den left at 2. reached beach road at abt 8plus-9plus. ate supper n drove home.
tt was e end of our genting trip~~

Saturday, November 17, 2007

it has been so long since i last changed my blogskin. gimme ur comments ^^

Monday, November 12, 2007

bought 2 pudding hamsters juz 3wks old ^^ super ex la. one $30!! but they were worth it sooooo cute. i miss them so much haha. at my dear house. wonder how long they will last haha. but i hope they will grow up n giv birth to lotsa babies den i can b a grandparent =.= no la jk. den i can look after them le. they look nicer in real lyfe den in e picture thou. haha. clever kids,learned how to climb e cage e 1st dae they were inside. but i dropped one-e female one i guess-lyk 3tyms. now she's scared of ppl liao. put my hand thr will run awae. so sad >.<>
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Sunday, October 14, 2007

after since after exam i didnt post le..partly cuz blogger abit sotsot aso.
tues after exam went out wif yuan to vivo,v fun XD we watched e nanny dairies
wed went out again. went to junction 8 wif sm. i was supposed to go thr wif someone...but we nvr went. we watched e detective. i didnt noe it was somewhat scary cuz e person at e counter said it was a thriller only. i bought a jacket too.
thurs n fri stayed at home.(n pon sch) sat n sun went out again.
sat went out wif cousin. (sry i cancelled last min to go out wif cousin) but since my cousin is lyk alwaes so bz might as well juz go lo. went home only at abt 1045pm. bought earrings,shorts,n a necklace. wanted to buy tis tube dress but cant try b4 buyin so in e end nvr buy.
sun went out n watched resident evil! haha luckily i culd get in. sometyms i wonder if my parents ever visit my blog. if they do,im in deep shit. haha. not as if i reali write everyting but juz to b on e safe side i shall not say too much. XD.
ok. it was a fun week. i think its cuz my bro got o lvs den my dad wan mi out so tt he can study tts y i can go out so mani tyms a wk.
yawns..tues muz go back sch zzz k shall stop here...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

todae exams finally over!! went dinscy hse 1st to waste tym cuz yz got phys. after tt went vivo wif yz. saw 'hamster' n gang lyk 3 tyms. once at tiong de mac. 2nd before watchin movie n 3rd after e movie. watched e nanny dairies. not reali a comedy but ok la. vivo isnt tt boring afterall. wanna go again n build a bear XD

Friday, September 07, 2007

some idiot has been askin mi to update my ''dam'' blog

jokes to share

mr bean's wife was going into labour soon. but instead of e hospital, he drove her to pizza hut. y? because they promised FREE DELIVERY

y did e mushroom go to a party? becuz it is a fun guy(fungai)

y did it go to another party afterwards? becuz it wanted to look for fun gals(fungus)

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

here to update blog cuz of SOME IDIOT hu alwaes plae maple wif mi 1/2wae suddenly g2g cuz of stupid bro.
todae was our sch's ndp celebrations =) wore jeans n red shirt to sch
sch ended lyk at 10am. supposed to end at 11 de but duno how come end so early. end early aso no use, cuz pauline chia is here to make lit ppl suffer. lit started at lyk 1130 or so cuz SHE WENT TO TAKE PHOTOS N MADE US WAIT f5. anyw. four presentations were supposed to b done. but due to her GREAT tym management, only one was complete. after tt was arnd 12. went wif yz to cineleisure ^^ it was sooo crowded lah. mani red n white ppl. we ate at tis place i forgot e name =.= yz ate omlette noodles while i ate tempura chicken which wasnt v nice cuz it had not much taste. den we went to e theater to watch disturbia frm 240-420. on our way thr we bought 2 necklaces tgt. yz paid for mine as a belated burfdae prezzie ty^^
disturbia was soo nice! okay lah. i didnt expect it to b tt nice so it was considered quite nice. mani gals kept screamin cuz e stupid killer kept appearin outa nowhere. after e show, we saw eugene at e arcade wif his pri sch frens n even stood outside to c if he will look out but he didnt. den...yz realized her necklace went missing! she kept lookin thru her bag but culdnt find it. we even went back to check e hall. in e end...we went back to e shop to get another one. hu noes...e aunty was soo nice, she offered to make another identical de to giv yz lah. lyk ohma. she told us to cum back after an hr. tt was arnd 510. we went to heren to pass some tym lookin at jackets. haix...i hv yet to get one. den we went back at 545 n walked arnd cineleisure. abt 6 e neckalce was finished. we bought other assessories frm tt shop aso lyk hp straps. i spent lyk $7.50 thr while she spent $15? anyw after tt we went home le. wonder when is e nxt tym i will go out again =]

Saturday, July 28, 2007

todae was our lit debate competition. our sch only hv ten ppl so divide into two teams. supposed to hv five each team but pauline chia last min put timo in our grp. so ours six n e other team four. both teams won!! e prize was oreos. lyk EERRR
anyw...after tt YAY! hong ji n us went to take lunch tgt. cuz hj came to support josh. fj n timo didnt join us thou. we went to plaza sing to eat kfc n shun bian celebrate josh burfdae. chia n mr siew bought a cake for him lah. how nice can? (n V, V, V SURPRISING) we ate lunch den ate e cake. it was choco on e outside, blueberry toppin complete wif strawberries. sm n jy took some blueberry n decorated josh face haha. was quite fun cuz e guys were lyk SO LAME n funni. i took some pics. after tt sm n nazrul took bus home while jy,josh,hj n i took e mrt. jy kept pesterin mi to go plae lan wif them lah. but i cant. anyw in e end it was full so they ended up goin home. time for posting e pics ^^ n some sheep heart we cut durin bio prac. cant wait for nxt yr, we r gone examine sheeps eyes!! haha

Friday, July 13, 2007

todae is e 2nd fridae e 13th in tis tt a bad omen? i left choir half-wae thru practice juz nw...abt 4pm...1st i quarelled wif amanda...den nxt was jianing...i duno wad came over mi...

was at e mrt station wen i msged him. he did it tym n tym was e 2nd tym i did it in public...why...why m i such a fool...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

i got nth to post so i shall put some of my fav pics wich i recently took =]

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

i too lazy put e songs into a playlist =.= gona post abt ytd

ytd i went out wif my couzzie n aunt-e ones hu live on e same floor as mi. arnd 1 or so they asked if i wanted to go out wif them. i said yes n imm they asked mi to go change den we left le. we went to orchard! near e sommerset mrt station thrs a john little. i bought my 1st item wich is aso my last item =.= slippers! e pic is below. we shopped arnd for my couzzie dresses. n she bought a suit for her office work too. i tried on a few dresses omg i loved 2 of them instantly. but...i didnt buy any as i wanted to kip aside $30 for a shoulder bag tt i saw wen i went out wif yuan. nw tt i think of it, i alrdy hv a few bags at home so nw i regret nt buyin e dresses. but nvm...i shall go another dae =) i wanted to take pic of e dresses de but my hp low bat so cant take =.= i had so much fun tt i didnt realize it was alrdy 7 plus. we took dinner frm 8-9 at a foodcourt. thr was tis crazy little boi hu kept cumin to our table (he luvs us la) haha. den after dinner tt we shopped arnd somemre...we took mrt to bedok den took a cabbie home. we rched home at 11.30 . i think we r goin out again nxt wk ^^ i look forward to buyin clothes hehe i love e GSS!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

back frm camp on sundae...was so tired tt i slpt imm after dinner n woke only at 11.30 lol. wasnt as bad as i thot it wuld b. in fact, it was kinda fun! esp rapid shooting! althou stupid nic n ting feng kept splashin water at mi n cheryl, i got my SWEET SWEET REVENGE =) i took an empty bottle frm kang liang(thx kl) n filled it up wif dirty river water so mani tyms to pour on e guys. n tt wasnt all. i used it to hit their heads too. muahaha tt shuld teach them a lesson XD i was in grp D lotsa guys n a few gals e train on way thr n back i hardly slpt. cuz so fun la. movin up n dwn haha.den e nt guys kept sayin i go up n dwn to look for brendan =.= im nt gona tok abt camp cuz almost e whole sec3 went thru it n aso if i tok abt it it wuld b long. btw im doin bloggin in my new hse! yeap,i came straight to tampines after camp. hse still in a mess thou. get my new home num frm mi if u wish. shall stop here.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

ytd was our 2h bbq held at yuen chak's condo dwnstairs. i thot jianing they all goin arnd 5 la. so i went n rched thr at 5.45 den i realized i was e earliest thr =.= . anyw. i went wif yc to his hse n helped him carry some things to e bbq pit. a few 2h ppl started cumin in.abt 7, i think, den e whole grp came. e bbq pit was lyk kinda small so we used another one wich wasnt used by anybody. e gals helped wif e food while e guys helped wif e fire. some brought chess to plae =.= they too addicted to chess le. haha. by e tym we finish preparin e food n start to eat hor, it was lyk alrdy 8 plus? den we eat till arnd 10. sl n yq cum steal my dory fish haha. althou tt dory fish was lyk eat alrdy will die (inside joke) we finish eatin den muz clear e place. den after tt some gals went to bathe. lyk kinda no use cuz wear back same clothes. so still quite dirty. we eventually decided to go to e carpark to plae. on e way thr got lyk so mani cockroaches la. i cant believe thr r so mani lor. in e toilet n outside aso hv. anyw...we went to e carpark highese lv. it looks as if it was goin to rain n denise was scared she wuld get striked by lightning cuz she is ''so tall''. so we went dwn one lv whr thr was shelter. we sat in a circle. tt shuld b lyk cumin to 11 le. by e tym 3cia explain how murderer goes abt,she got interrupted so mani tyms,it was lyk 11 plus. den we plaed 1/2wae karen g2g. some went wif her. after v long, they all came back. lyk...ok...cuz karen was scared. we plaed truth or dare while they were gone la. kk had to kiss ardy. ardy had to kiss nick. daryl had to do frog jump n say ribbit. sl had to hop on one leg n make crow noises n flap his wings? den shella made her most ugly/scarey face. wich wasnt ugly or scarey at all. den timo asked lydia if she wuld change her laughter. lydia asked mi if i ever lyk ggc before la. before tt karen they all back le so we started plaein murderer again. but den its lyk one murderer was blur or 3cia wasnt a good judge. haha jk. murderer was lyk nt a success so we went back to truth or dare. timo askin lydia tt qn was e last one n we all went hme. mani shared cab while jianing's dad came. i wase last one to go. lol, e 1st one to cum n e last one to go. yc was such a gentleman he waited till my dad came. XD i left btw 12.25-12.30. n e rest still sae wan stay till 2am =.= tts our 2h bbq. i look forward to e nxt 2h gatherin =]

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

mondae i wanted to post de...but something wrong wif tis stupid postin system. anywae...i shall post my unlucky dae wich is mondae. mondae end of exam...i shuld b happi rite? well i was...n i was supposed to meet up wif yz. i had bio mcq paper n it ended at arnd 9. den i was supposed to meet yz at 10. but wen i came dwn frm e 4th floor cuz i put my bk in class, i met timo, angela, fj n sm. they told mi we r hvin lit in juz a few mins tym. i was like WTH? they said pauline chia got sae before...but i like dun listen durin her lessons de so i didnt noe. so...GREAT lor. had lit till 11. den aft tt at 2, yz got canoein. so our outin cancelled lor. last dae of exam supposed to enjoy de rite? but i was stuck at hme. wad a great dae. tts not all. wen i came hme to use e com, it hanged like freaking mani number of tyms n i had to off n on e main soooo mani tyms tt it was uncountable. idiot la. like yah idiot. hmm...i thot got much more de...but looks like i got nth else to add. haha so shall stop here

Friday, April 06, 2007

dear diary...

yay finally change blogskin!! plz comment :)

♥ the love we shared

4thapril2007 4:24pm

Friday, March 23, 2007

hmm...todae nth much to post so i shall share a funny mssge i got frm a fren

one man saw an accident. he called e police but duno english. he said: mata, one car come one car go. one car bo brake one car bo stop. two cars ping pong piang plz call E.O.E.O

Monday, March 05, 2007

dun post sth ppl sae i nvr i aso gt nth to post...
oh well shall post tis pic (althou it has been my msn dp)

haha my lv 51 cleric xp so cute hor

Thursday, February 22, 2007

todae was a seriously BAD dae. 1stly, i slept late e previous nite, so wake up nt good mood le. den todae...v tired...lessons so sian...(actually everydae aso e same lar)
e worst part is wen i hv lit. thr's a freakin lit test abt tkam (to kill a mockingbird) wich i hv only read 1/2wae. den aft tt, MS PAULINE CHIA gave out our previous lit paper n i failed. cuz obviously i didnt study. i dun reali care if i fail cuz i expected it anyw. wads worst is tt she asked us to stae back in e aftnoon. n we hv bio lessons at 2.30. i planned to go tiong de lor. she idiot, ruined my plans. she told e 4 failures to stae back frm 1.45-2.30. wich means im stuck in sch lar. den...we waited for her...n waited...n waited...guess wad? SHE FREAKIN DIDNT TURN UP. so i staed in sch for NTH!! waste my tym lor. den aft tt went wif xm n sm opp sch cuz they wan buy ice-cream. i wan lolli. rch thr...they gort their ice-cream. I CULDNT FIND MY LOLLI!! as if tt wasnt bad enuff, wen we went back sch, i wanted to buy ice lemon tea bottle de. DUN HV COLD DE. wahlao. aft tt damm pissed off le lar. (actually pissed off long ago) den go back class lor. wen at e 4th floor staircase, saw lec. he goin ask mrs iong cum up. tt was at 2.30. 3 plus den they cum up. =.= den muz copy so much cuz so many wrong. n everything is abt e same de, only items diff. zzz...
ALL CUZ OF IDIOT MS PAULINE CHIA. if she didnt ask mi stae back, i wuld hv gone to tiong, dun nid to find my lolli n ice lemon tea n WULDNT HV BEEN IN A FREAKIN BAD MOOD
end of story

Sunday, February 18, 2007

finally link ppl XD i todae lyk v free haha
juz nw zy ask mi to spam ppls blogs wif ''happie CNY''
haha...he won as he did it faster den mi *sobs*

Saturday, February 17, 2007

todae is a seriously slack dae...watched tv whole afternoon...plae com at nite...wonder how i will finish my a n e maths few ppl on9 de...maple aso so sian...zzz
btw, happie CNY to all!! hope u all get lotsa hong baos haha

Wednesday, January 10, 2007