Wednesday, May 16, 2007

mondae i wanted to post de...but something wrong wif tis stupid postin system. anywae...i shall post my unlucky dae wich is mondae. mondae end of exam...i shuld b happi rite? well i was...n i was supposed to meet up wif yz. i had bio mcq paper n it ended at arnd 9. den i was supposed to meet yz at 10. but wen i came dwn frm e 4th floor cuz i put my bk in class, i met timo, angela, fj n sm. they told mi we r hvin lit in juz a few mins tym. i was like WTH? they said pauline chia got sae before...but i like dun listen durin her lessons de so i didnt noe. so...GREAT lor. had lit till 11. den aft tt at 2, yz got canoein. so our outin cancelled lor. last dae of exam supposed to enjoy de rite? but i was stuck at hme. wad a great dae. tts not all. wen i came hme to use e com, it hanged like freaking mani number of tyms n i had to off n on e main soooo mani tyms tt it was uncountable. idiot la. like yah idiot. hmm...i thot got much more de...but looks like i got nth else to add. haha so shall stop here

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