Sunday, October 14, 2007

after since after exam i didnt post le..partly cuz blogger abit sotsot aso.
tues after exam went out wif yuan to vivo,v fun XD we watched e nanny dairies
wed went out again. went to junction 8 wif sm. i was supposed to go thr wif someone...but we nvr went. we watched e detective. i didnt noe it was somewhat scary cuz e person at e counter said it was a thriller only. i bought a jacket too.
thurs n fri stayed at home.(n pon sch) sat n sun went out again.
sat went out wif cousin. (sry i cancelled last min to go out wif cousin) but since my cousin is lyk alwaes so bz might as well juz go lo. went home only at abt 1045pm. bought earrings,shorts,n a necklace. wanted to buy tis tube dress but cant try b4 buyin so in e end nvr buy.
sun went out n watched resident evil! haha luckily i culd get in. sometyms i wonder if my parents ever visit my blog. if they do,im in deep shit. haha. not as if i reali write everyting but juz to b on e safe side i shall not say too much. XD.
ok. it was a fun week. i think its cuz my bro got o lvs den my dad wan mi out so tt he can study tts y i can go out so mani tyms a wk.
yawns..tues muz go back sch zzz k shall stop here...

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