Thursday, February 22, 2007

todae was a seriously BAD dae. 1stly, i slept late e previous nite, so wake up nt good mood le. den todae...v tired...lessons so sian...(actually everydae aso e same lar)
e worst part is wen i hv lit. thr's a freakin lit test abt tkam (to kill a mockingbird) wich i hv only read 1/2wae. den aft tt, MS PAULINE CHIA gave out our previous lit paper n i failed. cuz obviously i didnt study. i dun reali care if i fail cuz i expected it anyw. wads worst is tt she asked us to stae back in e aftnoon. n we hv bio lessons at 2.30. i planned to go tiong de lor. she idiot, ruined my plans. she told e 4 failures to stae back frm 1.45-2.30. wich means im stuck in sch lar. den...we waited for her...n waited...n waited...guess wad? SHE FREAKIN DIDNT TURN UP. so i staed in sch for NTH!! waste my tym lor. den aft tt went wif xm n sm opp sch cuz they wan buy ice-cream. i wan lolli. rch thr...they gort their ice-cream. I CULDNT FIND MY LOLLI!! as if tt wasnt bad enuff, wen we went back sch, i wanted to buy ice lemon tea bottle de. DUN HV COLD DE. wahlao. aft tt damm pissed off le lar. (actually pissed off long ago) den go back class lor. wen at e 4th floor staircase, saw lec. he goin ask mrs iong cum up. tt was at 2.30. 3 plus den they cum up. =.= den muz copy so much cuz so many wrong. n everything is abt e same de, only items diff. zzz...
ALL CUZ OF IDIOT MS PAULINE CHIA. if she didnt ask mi stae back, i wuld hv gone to tiong, dun nid to find my lolli n ice lemon tea n WULDNT HV BEEN IN A FREAKIN BAD MOOD
end of story

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