Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lala ♥ Rara

Lala and Rara were my first pearl winter whites. I got Lala first, together with Nana, followed by Rara on the second day. Lala was the fattest of all, always eating and sleeping. She always bullied the others and always stole their food. But as she was the fattest of all, she was also the cutest. She was the fiercest also, and would bite sometimes.

Rara was more obedient than Lala, although she would nibble at times too if held for too long. Her fur was the whitest of all as she was the cleanest. She knew exactly where to pee and poop - on the toilet sand in the toilet container. I guess her behavior is kinda in between Lala's and Nana's, neither fierce nor super tame. A little unpredictable at times. When she feels like it, she would climb to greet me. Or wanna come out to play.

Lala started losing fur around October. I was not sure why but I guess it was due to old age. Her hind legs started to grow weak as well. By January, she could not walk properly but started limping instead. I would carry her to her food container and also support her to drink water. By then, she was already quite weak and furless. It was quite a sad sight to see her fall on her sides, scrambling to walk and eat.

Rara was well all along until one day, 25 January, she bled from her vagina. I was scared that she would end up like Nana. However, it was kinda different as Nana bled from her backside. As that was the first time it happened, I did some research and also called Pet Lovers Centre. It seems that female hamsters do bleed from their private areas once or twice in their lifetime, usually when they are older. However, it began to happen frequently and I think she was sick. Soon, her private area grew dirty as she could not bend too much to clean it thoroughly. I helped by cleaning with wet cotton wool at times.     

Both Lala and Rara departed on the 25 February 2014. They lived for about two years and two months, since December 2011. I was not around to bid farewell but my mother was there with them till the end. Lala departed earlier in the day, at approximately 11.55am. According to my mother, she made loud sounds which were like bird sounds when she was leaving. Perhaps she was signalling to Rara. After that, Rara refused to eat and drink. Apparently, her front legs were weak that day itself. My mum tried feeding her but she did not open her mouth. She was asleep most of that day. She passed away at approximately 5.42pm. 

I came home at about 6.20pm to find both of them already wrapped in plastic in the container. It was kinda shocking to see both of them gone. I was devastated and could not help but regret that I was not there for all my hamsters when they departed. If only Rara could have waited a little longer. We buried both of them together with Nana in the flower pot. R.I.P little ones, you were all loved and will be dearly missed ♡ you were my first and probably last. 

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