Wednesday, June 09, 2010

fdm camp

Day 0 – trials
·        Dad sent me to sch, then I waited for naf before going to find our class
·        By the time she came it was abt 8pm
·        We helped to prepare for night walk and the trial started at abt 10pm
·        Quite boring, like no wow factor
·        We could slp quite early but I couldn’t slp well, slpt probably for only 1-2hrs?
·        The a/c was like so not functioning well, so damn hot!

Day 1 – games in sch
·        Woke up at 815am
·        Slpt again and woke up at 850am
·        Had our brunch and split up to prepare for our own stations
·        Ohya I cfmed with guo wei that I saw him at amk hub at m1 that Saturday lol
·        Slacked at koi area from abt 12-3pm with other station masters. Quite fun there haha
·         Jovy suddenly called me and asked me to go over to her station cuz she was alone.
·        So instead of helping at my station, I helped at her station from 3-6pm.
·        At a point of time I wanted to go back for a short while to look at my station but she didn’t let me. So selfish right this jovu! Lol. She scared I go then won’t come back -.- I will la, aiyo
·        Then after dinner we set up for night walk. Took quite some time.  
·        Lol look at this Fiona the joker ghost
·        Night walk was kinda failure; either our class or the previous one was the best.
·        But, the juniors were so… idk how to describe them, even if they were not scared, they don’t have to like make fun and screw up our night walk la.
·        To think we spent so much time to plan and prepare for them hmpf
·        It ended at abt 12mn then we had to clear up before a briefing
·        After briefing and everything, we only had abt 3hrs to slp.
·        I slpt for abt 1-2hrs again

Day 2 – games at pasir ris park and sch
·        Woke up at 610am even though we could hv woken up at 630am. All thanks to Fiona tan! :/
·        In the end wasted time sitting down at concourse for like 1hr?
·        Time management sucks, can’t even provide proper breakfast – one cup of orange syrup to be shared with 3 tables wtf la seriously
·        Went to collect our stuff for our stations then went off to prp even though it was alrdy drizzling
·        After abt 1hr at prp, we had to go back to sch cuz it was raining
·        When we rched sch it stopped raining -.-
·        Had to prepare for our station again, wet weather program more fun though
·        U hv to like pass a maze blindfolded and rch a pail of water to feel for stuff inside
·        The funny thing was the LIZARD hahahahaha couldn’t stop laughing. U hv to be there to know how funny it was, right naf? And that ali, lol didn’t wanna take out the lizard. Even evon joined in and told us to tell the next grp to get a lizard. Luckily that was the last grp (airil’s grp)
·        Eh but its like, none of us knew how the lizard got there. I kinda suspect its real but they said its fake? Maybe its real but feels fake hahaha
·        We had dinner after that then ended with entertainment night
·        I left 1/2way though, at 9pm plus

Day 3 – final clash
·        I wasn’t there but I guess it’s like last yr’s?

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