Thursday, April 23, 2009

today was our first N903 class outing!! we went to sentosa. supposed to play many of those games whereby u hv to sit in a circle and do. but in the end we didn't even play truth or dare!! we played volleyball (i didn't join in though cuz kinda hot) and captains' ball (i played this one lol) hmm we did the mass dance many times too. what else? i can't really rmb lol. ohya i didn't get any sunburn at all!! maybe cuz of the sunblock or maybe cuz of the cap cj lent me? haha thx cj :D our class was supposed to take dinner tgt but in the end everyone wanted to bathe and go home. hmm shall post the pics some other time!! super tired. and tmr theres still sch =S
oh and btw i hv alrdy gotten my hammies xDD super cute!!! thx xumin :)

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