Monday, October 19, 2009

i survived my boring first day of sch!

now for the long awaited chalet photos (not that many actually)
still hv my first try at mahjong and the water activity but i look unglam there so not gonna upload the photos lol

PS. i suck at using blogger to directly upload the photos. first time trying it out. haha

the nice kitchen

the bday ppl

us on the swing which collapsed on the last day

airil's punishment

Sunday, October 18, 2009

omg like finally i can blog!! stupid blogger hasnt been working thats why i didnt blog.

i hv like so many things to say la  
  • i need new sandals for sch
  • jada's bbq
  • went metro sale with mum
  • sch is starting tmr!!

omg la. sian. hven packed stuff and chosen the clothes to wear. but i cant wait for french!  :)

maybe will upload the chalet's photos ltr

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

it felt too short. i expected it to be much better. funnier to the guys than girls. 2.5/5
during the hols, wads there to do on the comp besides watching dramas? this is a list of dramas i hv watched during the past mth and my review
it started with a kiss'they_kiss_again
quite typical but not bad. i didnt expect it to be this nice. but cuz i watched both series at one go, it became a lil draggy. however, im looking forward to the last kiss! 3.5/5 

18 jin bu jin
the starting was funny but it became very draggy.storyline too typical, in the end the 4 guys paired with the 4 girls. 3/5 

hana kimi
hilarious! really enjoyed it. although its known that the girl would end up with the guy, the events that happened were original and interesting. bad ending though. 3.5/5

Thursday, October 01, 2009

im back from my class chalet! pictures will be uploaded another time.

1st day - boring start
took the 6pm bus and reached there with naf and ivan at 6plus. only sheryl, van and airil were there. they were there since 3plus cuz they took the 3.30pm bus. everyone else took the 8.30pm bus so it was super peaceful and empty till around 9pm. the chalet is really nice! its so new and clean and big. and i really like the interior design. girls and guys had a room and toilet each. anyw, with nth to do, we just watched tv and slacked around and sat on the swing till sheryl and van were back with the food. i didnt wanna eat mac so i ate bowl noodles instead. after that we carried on slacking while the nxt door's party was alrdy on going. when everyone arrived we still carried on slacking all the way and watched MIB and MIB2 till 3plus or so? lol like who goes to chalets and just watches tv? a grp wanted to go bowling but its closed at 11pm. after watching i learnt a bit of mahjong. not interested but nth else to do. then after that i think all of us got rdy for bed alrdy. i watched the korean variety show family with jovy and fiona till 5plus then i slpt till 9plus. couldnt slp w/o songs and its freaking cold and its two girls to a bed and dunno which idiot kept msging so i kept waking up thruout the night. when i woke up the guys dwnstairs had alrdy started mahjonging again.

2nd day - bbq and water bombs!
woke up and slacked till lunch. i went with aizat to buy food cuz i was bored and i can get a car ride! sheryl alrdy has her own car and her driving skill is not bad. how jealous! anyw we went to east point mall and bought jap food, chicken rice and ljs. the jap food wasnt nice. i thought it would be so just trying. after lunch we watched family again till 4plus then a few of us went cycling. there werent enough big bikes so sheryl and van went pooling instead. i finally managed to learn cycling!! so happy la. haha. all thx to airil, aizat and ivan. they took turns waiting for me cuz i was the last one obviously lol. after cycling we slacked again till dinner. before dinner i sat on the swing with fiona and asked lb to swing us. damn fun sia. haha. but it led to the swing being slightly spoilt. then i heard cj, airil and lb (maybe not those 3, might hv gotten the names mixed up) played on it after we did and they broke the swing. but it looked still fine. anyw it was time for bbq! the food was not bad but too little. we celebrated this mth's ppls bdays too. ate till dunno wad time (8plus or 9plus i think) then we played water bombing. water filled balloons. but these balloons cant be burst thru throwing, must burst them. and soon the fun was over like within 10mins or wad lol so we then played with ice. took ice cubes and threw them dwn ppls clothes. after that we took ice water and poured over ppl. we went for seconds and thirds haha. it was fun while it lasted. but the whole place needed cleaning up afterwards. then after that we chionged to bathe and then stayed dwnstairs to play hamburger, musical chairs and murderer. surprisingly we didnt play truth or dare. after playing the games some went upstairs to slp and some carried on playing mahjong. me and a few others went for a 'night walk' to the beach. the wind was unbelievably strong! but sadly before we reached the jetty, the barely-there drizzle became its-gonna-rain drizzle so we jogged back cuz there was no other shelter around. when we were back in the chalet we went to the guys room to talk abt our ghostly encounters. nab told most of them cuz she can supposedly see them. some were really very very unbelievable! then after that we went dwnstairs again  to play cards (i think) [smth seems missing]

3rd and last day
 becuz we didnt slp during the 2nd night so we played cards till morn. then we watched a 'good show' lol. two small girls went to sit on the alrdy broken swing. and after a while, the whole swing collapsed! damn hilarious sia. but sadly i turned away that very second cuz i didnt expect it to really give way. those two were so afraid and shocked la. hahahaha, they remained sitted there for some time then finally got up to stare at the swing. then the whole bunch of us were inside looking and laughing la haha. the two ran back to their place just opp ours and nvr came out again lmao. we were looking forward to another good show where the parents will find out -.- anyw soon after that i took sheryl's car to tp cuz she was dropping lb off then i went home from there and rched home at 9plus. bathed till abt 1030 then ate oreo biscuits and drank choc milk then slpt till 1pm. took a phone call then slpt again till 3pm. and im going out ltr to watch the ugly truth! tiring day lol

and that sums up our first n903 chalet! it was quite nice afterall :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

ytd tuk and lav were supposed to take dinner with me but in the end they said too full to eat.obviously i didnt want to eat alone first so i bought pau to eat in the cinema instead. when i went home i was still hungry. luckily theres a thing called instant noodles lol
hmm the 1st story was not very interesting, the 2nd was lame, the 3rd was abt zombies, the 4th was a lil scary and the last was scary (before you know what is actually happening) and hilarious. overall i rate it 3 / 5. not a great horror flick. but i wouldnt mind watching the last story again. lol

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

lol today's s'pore idol's judges were so funny with the BOOMZ and vasantham comments
hahaha i found this funny so..enjoy!

Why one wife now chooses to shop alone 

Here's proof of what can happen when a woman drags her highly disinterested husband or boyfriend along when shopping. This letter was sent by a British hypermart to a customer in Oxford:

Dear Mrs Murray,

While we thank you for your valued patronage and use of our store loyalty card, the manager of our store is considering banning you and your family from shopping with us, unless your husband stops his antics.

Below is a list of just some of the offences over the past few months, all verified by our surveillance cameras:

  • 15 Jun: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's trolleys when they weren't looking.
  • 2 Jul: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at five-minute intervals.
  • 14 Aug: Moved a "Caution - Wet floor" sign to a carpeted area.
  • 4 Oct: Looked right into the security camera and used it as a mirror to pick his nose.
  • 3 Dec: Darted around the store suspiciously, loudly humming the Mission Impossible theme.
  • 18 Dec: Hid in a clothing rack and yelled, "Pick me, pick me!"
  • 23 Dec: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, then yelled very loudly: "There's no toilet paper in here."

Yours sincerely,
Store manager

Saturday, September 19, 2009

today went shopping with mum again! bought a bag, clothes, and a cap! like finally found a cheap one. i wonder if it was a mistake to buy the wedges. should i change it to heels? then i can wear the heels to functions also lol

Thursday, September 17, 2009

today i i didnt watch the ugly truth after all. went out with mum to expo!! theres a john little sale going on. bought my black wedges at last. wanted to buy this purple 'jeans' but its S so couldnt buy ._. bought a blazer though. for only 15 bucks!! lol
i wanna shop again!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

since i hv nth better to do, i shall list down my ratings for some recent movies i hv watched

typical teens movie. plot sucks. 2 / 5.

hmm quite typical also. a little touching towards the end. 3 / 5.

senseless lame comedy. i expected it to be better. 3 / 5.

it just s.u.c.k.s to the max. i was really looking forward to watching it but its such a disappointment. not funny, not scary at all. 1 / 5 if not 0 / 5.

this is really good. i did not want to watch it at first but thanks to lav, i watched it lol. its really surprisingly good. the plot and twist was really original. one of the best movies i hv ever watched. 5 / 5 - its a definite must watch!

i did not want to watch this too but luckily steph and tuk recommended it - they watched it once alrdy. it  is one of the best comedy ever. although i suspect it should be M18 instead of NC16? lol. anyw its a must watch too - 4 / 5 or 5 / 5.


tmr im gonna watch this!! shall rate it after i hv watched it  :)
just cut my hair ytd and im loving it  :D

Sunday, September 13, 2009

finally changed my blogskin  :)
shall try to update more often..

Thursday, August 27, 2009

exams are finally over!! but stupid blogger isnt working properly. so hard to update!! shall change blogskin soon :)
cant wait to go out ltr and meet the retards! xD

Saturday, August 08, 2009

my hammies are gone :(
today dad brought them to his student. haix. kinda miss them.
went out with my gang!! lol lazy to blog. blog another day

Thursday, July 30, 2009

idiotic keyboard. wasted an hr of my time trying to fix it URGG!!!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ahh!!! I hven been blogging cuz stupid blogger wasn’t working properly.

Anyw, I wanna blog abt my retards!! Hahaha. We went to cine on fri. met Sharon at abt 5pm at somerset then we went to buy the haunting at Connecticut tickets. Lav was running late so she took a cab down. But guess what? The stupid theatre was filled!!! The only seats left were singles. I so wanted to watch at the students’ price okkkkk. Well it was too late then. We bought the tickets for 7.10pm. IT WAS 10 BUCKS!!! Can u believe it?? All the while I thought cathay was the one of the cheapest among all the cinemas. I thought it would be $7.50 or $8.50 at most since it was a Friday after all u know. Lol I made quite a scene abt it and was reluctant to hand in my $10 -.-

After that we met lav. Theres a JUICY CULTURE in the building linked to taka!! Tuk tuk said steph’s friend’s parents brought it to sg. Omg can u imagine how rich they must be?? anyw we went to look for the keyboard extension for laptops so that the retards can audi 8 keys. Lol. So waste $$ la. But in the end they didn’t buy. Tuk tuk brought us to wisma then in the end she said the shop is in taka -.- I SWEAR THE STAFF AT BEST DENKI WAS SOOOO RETARDED OK!!! we took the only keypad extension to ask him if that was the only one available then he didn’t even know whr its at!! He said ‘wait let me check for u’ then began walking arnd looking. Finally he asked us ‘I cant find it, can u show me whr u got it from?’. That wasn’t the most retarded part. the stupid salesperson still directed us to the counter la. That keypad thing was too big/ugly/exp and wadeva so obviously no one is gonna buy. We took it around for a while. All this while, that retard was following us around!!!! We were so annoyed we just left it at the tv section and left. But that was not all. THAT RETARD RAN AFTER US!!! He caught up with us outside and asked us whr we put it. He told us to follow him back to show him. LIKE WTFFFFFF. HE ACTUALLY THOUGHT WE STOLE IT OR SMTH??!!! Omg la. It was so retarded ok.

Ok then we decided to eat ramen after weighing both pasta and ramen. But after getting seated in ajisen ramen, I changed my mind and decided to eat at pasta mania cuz ajisen ramen is exp and it isn’t nice at all. Lollol. So we left :P we ate at pasta mania then went to buy my slurpee at 7-11 and they went to get their popcorn. The movie wasn’t that nice lo. Drag me to hell was nicer. Waste my 10 bucks!! With 4 bucks I can get the nice grill fish in my sch ok lol. EH AND CALEB IS GONE ALRDY!!!! Lav’s parents’ friend’s son adopted him :( so sad lo. Cannot see him anymore :( lav’s hse isn’t worth visiting anymore. Lol. After that we went to 7-11 again to buy acash. I didn’t know maple acash could be used in audi. After that we just hanged arnd chatting at the taxi stand for like 45mins or so. They still wanted to go kbox la. Actually I wanted also but had my stupid cca the nxt day so I couldn’t even consider it!! Anyw, the taxi stand looks like a bus stop. After we sent lav off, tuk tuk sent me off at the mrt station then went to take bus. That’s the end of our retarded journey. Haha.

Retarded stuff always happen when u retards are around :D

Saturday, July 18, 2009

ahhh i hv sooo much stuff to do!!!

1) wrtoral (which i hv to wait till cp has done then i can edit)
2) do rebus ppt
3) study rebus chpts 15 & 16

4) do maths chpts 6 & 7
5) practise maths chpts 6 & 7

6) study facom 3 chpts

gosh!! luckily there isnt any cca this wk. but nxt wk hv :(
and im supposed to make time for s and s??!!
now it doesnt seem so possible anymore D:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

today went to sch for only an hr plus cuz our lessons ended like 50mins earlier!! so i decided to pon maths and went home lol. sian sia. i wanna watch HP can!! cant wait..anyw, just some random photos again. enjoy :D

DSC01319 during facom today :)
DSC01315 isnt she cute? i found her outside facom (it looks like a she)
DSC01312 the long pumpkin with seeds inside which produce a rainy sound
im sure you would be happy to know that i hv changed ur not so glam photo to this!! lol
DSC01265 cp and his retro-ness
5891_99273485221_731120221_2213134_8176149_n our lift!! lol like cannot slot this photo in, looks weird. but anyw, shall just put it here :)
DSC01258 the cute bday girl with her cute bday balloon :)
DSC01270 tp just before it poured
:D my belated bday celebration

Friday, July 03, 2009

finally the wkend is here!! i skipped skating to play audi with sharon lol. and retarded lav was sick the entire week, stuck in her room. LOL. steph ah steph...wonder if i will get to see you at all :(

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

mon was such a slack day cuz we didnt hv rebus and cads so in btw lessons we went to watch drag me to hell and another grp watched ghosts of girlfriends past. then after sch we went to play ps3. we played mostly guitar hero which i once thought was really boring lol.
we got back our maths test papers today. i got 84/100!! it was one of the highest in class. fiona and cj got lower than me even though they were the ones who taught me. haha

Sunday, June 21, 2009

ytd went shopping with mum and two bros!! we walked around orchard but we didnt buy anything except undergarments and biscuits and chocs -.- we had dinner at bbq chicken but when we rched home i ate choc biscuits, yam cake and yellow noodles which my mum cooked. haha i think i was more of greedy than hungry =/
today im supposed to go karaoke with sharon and lav but lav doesnt wanna come out. as usual, she is full of excuses. hmm now im awaiting steph's reply
anyw, to my dad and all the dads in the world, Happy Father's Day!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

just some random pics during the past month or so :)

DSC01016 jovy spotted this heart shaped leaf at sentosa
DSC01027 my cute hammies!!
DSC01227 airil in toilet paper - a prank to scare raymond wong
i thought it was interesting how these two guys sat in the same way haha
DSC01164 lb in his ridiculous hairstyle -.-
4608_1159523345894_1162088496_30464988_7532473_n i like my qian bian look here lol
DSC01063 the model- ivan!!
Image266 fiona took a secret shot of the 'scandalous couple' but i was alert, unlike the pig here lol
DSC00817 cp took a pic of me coming outta the guys' toilet f3

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

im very happy today so im gonna type this post in GOLD :D im happy becuz......
today i went out with the girls - sharon, denise and weina!!!
we went to the mind cafe at boat quay. we spent an hr walking around under the hot sun finding it!! ohya and for once i was not late even though i left the house late haha. the games were not bad, esp taboo!! we played that game for an hr or so lol
anyw, we must go there again someday ok!!! hmm and i really look forward to playing re on wii again. hopefully we can go to steph's house ._.

Friday, June 05, 2009

yay term tests are over!!! two weeks of break are gonna be spent slacking at home :D but theres pacesetters in the second week. sigh. and i just found out a shocking truth abt someone's mum. hope she will be ok!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

You Belong With Me

You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset

She's going off about something that you said
'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do

I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
And she'll never know your story like I do

But she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts
She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along, so why can't you see?
You, you belong with me, you belong with me

Walking the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy?

And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down
You say you're fine, I know you better than that
Hey, what ya doing with a girl like that?

She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along, so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know?
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me

Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're 'bout to cry
And I know your favorite songs and you tell me 'bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong, think I know it's with me

Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you?
Been here all along, so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time, how could you not know?
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me

You belong with me
Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me?
You belong with me
camp was last wk. it was really fun. we had a night walk on the 1st day, had amazing race on the 2nd day and played water games on the 3rd day. im too lazy to go into the details so i shall just leave it at here haha. had skating again ytd which was more fun than last last wk cuz i learnt smth new and i didnt fall dwn haha. next next wk we hv our term tests though. but i hv not even understood chpts 3 and 4 of maths. sian...hopefully i can do well!!

Friday, May 08, 2009

went for skating today!! i learnt to stand up with skates lol. but i fell back on my tail bone or smth. so painful!!! i just quit my AC ytd lol. not my cup of tea. shall see how fun JCC is
I LOVE TP LIFE :D (just being random xP)

Friday, May 01, 2009

i woke up at 12.10am today!!! was so tired out from ytd. after sch ytd i went to study at the lib with my classmates. then we went to our cca orientation. by the time i rched home it was 8plus. then used the comp till 12.40am -.-
hm im supposed to do my maths now. but ended up chatting and playing in fb :D

Thursday, April 23, 2009

today was our first N903 class outing!! we went to sentosa. supposed to play many of those games whereby u hv to sit in a circle and do. but in the end we didn't even play truth or dare!! we played volleyball (i didn't join in though cuz kinda hot) and captains' ball (i played this one lol) hmm we did the mass dance many times too. what else? i can't really rmb lol. ohya i didn't get any sunburn at all!! maybe cuz of the sunblock or maybe cuz of the cap cj lent me? haha thx cj :D our class was supposed to take dinner tgt but in the end everyone wanted to bathe and go home. hmm shall post the pics some other time!! super tired. and tmr theres still sch =S
oh and btw i hv alrdy gotten my hammies xDD super cute!!! thx xumin :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

dam pissed off with my class today!! we were supposed to meet at 1130 to celebrate airil's bday. then we went to mensa canteen to meet the rest. some others were eating so we ate too. after that, they just left after eating and went somewhr else to celebrate his bday la. we only knew after we met up with the class outside the LT. zzz what kinda class is this? and we actually paid $2 the day before for the cake and stuff la. im beginning to hate this class

Sunday, April 19, 2009

last night i went to my uncle house to get a hamster cage. he actually bought one for me!! its the same one xm has-pink princess cage :) he also bought food, bedding and bathing sand for me. in total its like $46plus!! i thought they were all extras but he left the receipt inside the plastic bag -.- i can't wait to get the hammies!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

woooooooo today was the third and also the last day of orientation. i wanted to post abt ytd ytd but i forgot to do so. omg today was FUN!!!! i really love the mass dance and the chicky dance xDD hmm....i can't wait for sch nxt week!! and the overnight camp in the third week. its a compulsory camp!! which i think its a good thing cuz then everyone would hv to go and thus making it more fun wakaka

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

omg so tired!!!! today is my first day of orientation. kinda sucky. except for the mass dance. but now my whole body is aching!!! i suddenly feel so...alone.....haix.........

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

today i went with mum to uniqlo to change some shirts. i bought a pair of pink jeans too!! but i hv sent it for alteration and can only get it on monday. after that we went to cotton on and i bought shorts,shirt and a cardi :) ohya orientation is tmr!! like omg its so early la and i doubt i can slp well tonight so...panda eyes for tmr!! meeting theng hwee at tp gate tmr. im glad i know someone in the first year xD

Monday, April 13, 2009

went to vivo with martha and theng hwee today! i was like half hr late cuz i went to tamp one to exchange smth at a shop first. hmm today wasn't awkward at all actually. in fact it was quite fun meeting up after four years :) outside forever21 i saw zhixun and his friends but only zhixun saw me. he kept looking at me as though he could not really be sure who i am. i quickly looked away and went up to pets safari lol. who knows,in daiso we met again -.- lalalala im taller than both my friends wahaha hmm wonder if we will meet up again?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

omg my uncle is soooo super nice!!! he is giving me $$ to buy clothes for poly!!! finally can buy some clothes which i hv always wanted to buy~ he even offered to buy a laptop for me if i need one but i alrdy hv a computer and i wasn't told to buy one anyw so shall not waste $$ getting one. i feel so blessed now :D i will definitely study hard in poly! ^ ^

Friday, April 10, 2009

i had just spoken to lav over the phone...its been soooo long!! i really miss my friends =( just hope time passes fast enough for me to last till july when steph is back!!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

went shopping with dad today at tamp one. yep,its finally open~ we bought shirts at Uniqlo. it was quite crowded and we had to queue to get in =/ but the stuff there aren't that cheap actually. the jeans are like $49.90 and the ladies shirts are abt $19.90 . after shopping, dad went home first while i went to tampines mall and century square to walk around. on my way out of tampines mall, guess who i saw? seng leong!! i was quite surprised to see him so the first qn i asked was-what are u doing here? but after that i rmbed he is studying at tampines jc now. he told me he was with his gf la haha yea right, as if i believe!!
thoughts: i really wanna get a dog!!!! ok i know there's totally no link. but while i was with dad i kept pestering him to let me get a dog...i think there's really no hope =((

Monday, April 06, 2009

i can't seem to sleep well the past few nights. wonder why..i fell asleep only after 2am last night and woke up at 8.55am -.- highly unusual~ haha. just being random but i want a pet so badly!!! but then again, would i hv the time and money to spend on one? haix...maybe i should wait till poly is over cuz then i can work :) but its like THREE years!!! hmm speaking of poly, it's starting in two weeks!!! and to think two mths ago i couldn't wait for poly to start. now im wishing for a longer holiday -.-

Thursday, April 02, 2009

if my dad reads my blog, he would know i care about him. i don't want him to work till he dies. i don't want him to push back his health check up. life didn't seem so bad then when i was young...

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

my happy day =DD

went out with sm to IMM! sm said my hair colour isn't that ugly. she made it sound so nice la-the fringe is dirty strawberry blonde and the back is pale blonde haha thx xD
we ate MOS rice burger (i hv been craving for it for a super long time alrdy!!) and i finally bought my grey jeans-from esprit =DD its only $40 la cuz its an outlet. cheap can!!! ohya its also the last piece in my size =PP but too bad i couldn't find nice black jeans. haha sm tried on the same one in another size and she quite likes it. but she didn't bring her $50 note out cuz she said she will spend it all if she brought it out. AWW...too bad!!! i kept irritating her abt my jeans lollol. she said the next time we go to IMM we must eat at this jap place which sells this sesame soft cream that she said is fantastic. but duno when we will meet up again =( and anyw, IMM is sooo far can!!! and theres nth much beisdes outlets lol. ltr on we wanted to go to jurong centre but its closed! duno under renovation or what. i wanted to go to the ice skating rink!! oh well...wonder where else has it?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

ZZZZ im beginning to hate my hair more and more!!! shouldn't hv done it pink then don't do!! that was my intention in the 1st place la. duno why i ended up doing blonde. waste $$!!!!! RAWRRRRR

Friday, March 27, 2009

went out with denise and shimin on wed! went to far east plaza. we ate ramen for lunch at FEP. the green tea was like eew and my ebi was soaked in the soup!!! i swear i will nvr go there again! then denise bought a pair of loafers-and was very smug abt it lol. after that we went to bugis. shimin bought a top and an eyebrow pencil there.
went to do my hair at 10.20am and it took like 4hrs??!! supposed to highlight pink but don't then my next choice is pale blonde. but it ended not pale at all!!! esp my fringe-it looks like orange la! now i look so ah-lian-ish -.- if i had known, i would hv chosen blue or red =((

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

woo just bought my vans flats =D
due to my laziness, i didn't take a pic. but instead, i searched for the pic online


chio right. (the real thing is much nicer!!) haha

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

im no longer happy playing games everyday, rotting at home. i wanna go poly!!! i can't wait for poly to start!!!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

finally passed my lv test in audi xD although its no big happy =)

Monday, February 09, 2009

wahaha i got posted to my 1st appeal choice - integrated facility design and management =D
can't wait for poly life to officially begin!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

today we went to ahma house. it didn't feel like chinese new year cause red packets were not given out. i ate this fortune cookie and the fortune was actually true. it says-you will be praised for your hardwork and outstanding performance. my aunt gave me a reward for my improvement. i think this year is already a lucky year for me and im beginning to like it =)
wahaha can't wait to get my red packets!!! xD

Friday, January 23, 2009

I HATE LION DANCING!!!!!! SO FREAKING NOISY!! i was woken up by the lion dance in gongshang pri at like before 8am zzz. tried to cover my ears but it was far too loud. when i looked at the clock it was like only 7.47am. stupid school. no common sense. ppl are still slping can

Thursday, January 22, 2009

im home alone! i hv been hving weird dreams about my ahgong and ahma the past few days..not only that,i wake up two to three times every night. weird..

Monday, January 19, 2009

i just watched marley and me. dog lovers should watch it too =)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

omg i think im in trouble. i just found out cca cant be i can only take into consideration 18 points minus 1 bonus point = 17 zzz

Saturday, January 10, 2009

ytd i went to tp,sp and nyp open house with yz. supposed to go np instead of sp but in the end there was not enough time because after my lunch it was already around 3pm. we reached dover at around 4pm. sp is like super old which does not even look like a poly. and the schools are so far apart,especially the school of business which is uphill and across a road. yz met her couzzie at sp then her couz was like super excited,jumping up and down and saying she was so lucky to be able to meet each other lol. after sp we went to nyp. we got a free goodie bag which only contained a water bottle and a brochure =.='' then after looking around we went to ang mo kio hub to take dinner and went home. we left amk hub at about 9.35pm and i only reached home at 10.40pm. tiring day sia. but i guess im better off than someone who still has canoeing today haha