Friday, September 25, 2009

ytd tuk and lav were supposed to take dinner with me but in the end they said too full to eat.obviously i didnt want to eat alone first so i bought pau to eat in the cinema instead. when i went home i was still hungry. luckily theres a thing called instant noodles lol
hmm the 1st story was not very interesting, the 2nd was lame, the 3rd was abt zombies, the 4th was a lil scary and the last was scary (before you know what is actually happening) and hilarious. overall i rate it 3 / 5. not a great horror flick. but i wouldnt mind watching the last story again. lol

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

lol today's s'pore idol's judges were so funny with the BOOMZ and vasantham comments
hahaha i found this funny so..enjoy!

Why one wife now chooses to shop alone 

Here's proof of what can happen when a woman drags her highly disinterested husband or boyfriend along when shopping. This letter was sent by a British hypermart to a customer in Oxford:

Dear Mrs Murray,

While we thank you for your valued patronage and use of our store loyalty card, the manager of our store is considering banning you and your family from shopping with us, unless your husband stops his antics.

Below is a list of just some of the offences over the past few months, all verified by our surveillance cameras:

  • 15 Jun: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's trolleys when they weren't looking.
  • 2 Jul: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at five-minute intervals.
  • 14 Aug: Moved a "Caution - Wet floor" sign to a carpeted area.
  • 4 Oct: Looked right into the security camera and used it as a mirror to pick his nose.
  • 3 Dec: Darted around the store suspiciously, loudly humming the Mission Impossible theme.
  • 18 Dec: Hid in a clothing rack and yelled, "Pick me, pick me!"
  • 23 Dec: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, then yelled very loudly: "There's no toilet paper in here."

Yours sincerely,
Store manager

Saturday, September 19, 2009

today went shopping with mum again! bought a bag, clothes, and a cap! like finally found a cheap one. i wonder if it was a mistake to buy the wedges. should i change it to heels? then i can wear the heels to functions also lol

Thursday, September 17, 2009

today i i didnt watch the ugly truth after all. went out with mum to expo!! theres a john little sale going on. bought my black wedges at last. wanted to buy this purple 'jeans' but its S so couldnt buy ._. bought a blazer though. for only 15 bucks!! lol
i wanna shop again!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

since i hv nth better to do, i shall list down my ratings for some recent movies i hv watched

typical teens movie. plot sucks. 2 / 5.

hmm quite typical also. a little touching towards the end. 3 / 5.

senseless lame comedy. i expected it to be better. 3 / 5.

it just s.u.c.k.s to the max. i was really looking forward to watching it but its such a disappointment. not funny, not scary at all. 1 / 5 if not 0 / 5.

this is really good. i did not want to watch it at first but thanks to lav, i watched it lol. its really surprisingly good. the plot and twist was really original. one of the best movies i hv ever watched. 5 / 5 - its a definite must watch!

i did not want to watch this too but luckily steph and tuk recommended it - they watched it once alrdy. it  is one of the best comedy ever. although i suspect it should be M18 instead of NC16? lol. anyw its a must watch too - 4 / 5 or 5 / 5.


tmr im gonna watch this!! shall rate it after i hv watched it  :)
just cut my hair ytd and im loving it  :D

Sunday, September 13, 2009

finally changed my blogskin  :)
shall try to update more often..